
A chronic infection involving the subcutaneous tissue, skin, and contiguous bone; characterized by the formation of localized lesions with tumefactions and multiple draining sinuses. The exudate contains granules that may be yellow, white, red, brown, or black, depending upon the causative agent. M. is caused by two principal groups of microorganisms: 1) actinomycetoma is caused by actinomycetes, including species of Streptomyces, Actinomadurae, and Nocardia, 2) eumycetoma is caused by true fungi, including species of Madurella, Exophiala, Pseudallescheria, Curvularia, Neotestudina, Pyrenochaeta, Aspergillus, Leptosphaeria, Plemodomus, Polycytella, Fusarium, Phialophora, Corynespora, Cylindrocarpon, Pseudo-chaetosphaeronema, Bipolaris, and Acremonium. SYN: Madura boil, Madura foot, maduromycosis.

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my·ce·to·ma .--'- n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə
1) a condition marked by invasion of the deep subcutaneous tissues with fungi or actinomycetes:
2) a tumorous mass occurring in mycetoma
my·ce·to·ma·tous -mət-əs adj

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a chronic inflammation of tissues caused by a fungus. See Madura foot.

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my·ce·to·ma (misə-toґmə) [myceto- + -oma] a slowly progressive, destructive infection of the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues, fascia, and bone caused by certain actinomycetes (actinomycotic m.) or fungi (eumycotic m.), acquired by traumatic implantation of the fungus or bacterium. It usually involves the foot (Madura foot) or leg, although the hand or any other site may be inoculated. The primary lesion is a tumefaction, with granulomas, suppurating abscesses, and sinuses discharging grains or granules representing microcolonies of the pathogen. Called also maduromycosis. See illustration and table.

*Believed to be related if not identical.

Mycetoma affecting the foot (Madura foot).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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