mycetism, mycetismus

mycetism, mycetismus
Poisoning by certain species of mushrooms. SYN: muscarinism. [G. mykes, fungus]
- m. cerebralis a condition characterized by transient hallucinogenic symptoms following ingestion of mushrooms such as Psilocybe and Panaeolus.
- m. choliformis a severe and occasionally fatal illness due to the consumption of Amanita phalloides and other poisonous mushroom species.
- m. gastrointestinalis a relatively mild type of mushroom poisoning characterized by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and caused by eating certain species of Boletus, Lactarius, Entoloma, and Lepiota.
- m. nervosa mushroom poisoning that involves the parasympathetic nervous system and causes gastrointestinal distress, after consumption of species such as Amanita, Inocybe, and Clitocybe.
- m. sanguinareus a transient hemoglobinuria and jaundice caused by eating the mushroom Helvella esculenta, either raw or cooked.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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