
A secretion containing carbohydrate-rich glycoproteins such as that from the goblet cells of the intestine, the submaxillary glands, and other mucous glandular cells; it is also present in the ground substance of connective tissue, especially mucous connective tissue, is soluble in alkaline water, and is precipitated by acetic acid; mucins act as lubricants and protectants of the linings of body cavities.
- gastric m. a white or yellowish powder which forms a viscous opalescent fluid with water, prepared from mucosa of hog's stomach by pepsin-hydrochloric acid digestion and precipitation of the supernatant fluid with 60% alcohol; used in peptic ulcer for its protective and lubricating action.

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mu·cin 'myüs-ən n any of a group of mucoproteins that are found in various human and animal secretions and tissues (as in saliva, the lining of the stomach, and the skin) and that are white or yellowish powders when dry and viscid when moist <gastric \mucin>

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the principal constituent of mucus. Mucin is a glycoprotein.

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mu·cin (muґsin) 1. any of a group of protein-containing glycoconjugates with high sialic acid or sulfated polysaccharide content that compose the chief constituent of mucus. 2. more generally, any of a wide variety of glycoconjugates such as mucoproteins, glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans, and glycolipids.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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