- monophasia
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mono·pha·sia (mon″o-faґzhə) [mono- + -phasia] aphasia with ability to utter but one word or phrase.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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mono·pha·sia (mon″o-faґzhə) [mono- + -phasia] aphasia with ability to utter but one word or phrase.Medical dictionary. 2011.
monophasia — noun A type of aphasia where the sufferer is only able to speak a single word or sentence … Wiktionary
monophasia — mono·pha·sia … English syllables
monophasia — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈfāzh(ē)ə noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from mon + phasia : aphasia marked by repeated utterance of one word or phrase … Useful english dictionary
aphasia — noun /əˈfeɪzɪə/ A partial or total loss of language skills due to brain damage. Usually, damage to the left perisylvian region, including Brocas area and Wernikes area, causes aphasia. The Doctor came over in three minutes, and heard the story.… … Wiktionary
monophasic — adjective a) of, related to or affected with monophasia b) having a single phase … Wiktionary
monophasic — 1. Marked by monophasia. 2. Occurring in or characterized by only one phase or stage. 3. Fluctuating from the baseline in one direction only. * * * mono·pha·sic fā zik adj 1) having a single phase specif relating to or being a record of a nerve… … Medical dictionary
monofazie — MONOFAZÍE, monofazii, s.f. (med.) Tulburare de vorbire care se manifestă prin repetarea aceluiaşi sunet, cuvânt etc. – Din engl. monophasia. Trimis de LauraGellner, 04.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 monofazíe s. f., pl. monofazíi Trimis de siveco,… … Dicționar Român