- monitor
- A device that displays and/or records specified data for a given series of events, operations, or circumstances. [L., one who warns, fr. moneo, pp. monitum, to warn]- cardiac m. an electronic m. which, when connected to the patient, signals each heart beat with a flashing light, an electrocardiographic curve, an audible signal, or all three.- electronic fetal m. an instrument for continuous monitoring of the fetal heart before or during labor.- Holter m. a technique for long-term, continuous usually ambulatory, recording of electrocardiographic signals on magnetic tape for scanning and selection of significant but fleeting changes that might otherwise escape notice.- home m. a m. for heart and respiratory rate, usually used for infants believed to be at risk for sudden infant death syndrome or apnea.
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mon·i·tor 'män-ət-ər n one that monitors esp a device for observing or measuring a biologically important condition or function <a heart \monitor>1) to watch, observe, or check closely or continuously <\monitor a patient's vital signs>2) to test for intensity of radiations esp. if due to radioactivity* * *
mon·i·tor (monґĭ-tər) [L. “one who reminds,†from monere to remind, admonish] 1. to check constantly on a state or condition, as on the vital signs of a patient under anesthesia and undergoing surgery, or to determine the amount of exposure to radiation. 2. an apparatus used to observe or record such physiological signs as respiration, pulse, and blood pressure in a patient.
Medical dictionary. 2011.