
Immunity against the action of a poison produced by small and gradually increasing doses of the same. [Mithridates, King of Pontus (13263 B.C.), supposedly an unsuccessful suicide (by poison) because of repeated small doses taken to become invulnerable to assassination by poison]

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mith·ri·da·tism .mith--'dāt-.iz-əm n tolerance to a poison acquired by taking gradually increased doses of it
Mith·ra·da·tes VI Eu·pa·tor .mith--'dāt-ēz-'siks-'--.tȯr (d 63 BC)
king of Pontus. Mithradates the Great ruled from 120-63 BC. A great military leader, a brave warrior, and a cunning politician, he was one of the few serious threats to Roman domination in the ancient world. A revolt of his own soldiers led him to attempt to take his own life. According to legend, he was ever suspicious of treachery, so he had consumed doses of poison in increasingly greater amounts in order to build up a tolerance. When he vainly sought to commit suicide, he found that he had become totally immune to poison. He finally resorted to ordering a follower to stab him to death.

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mith·ri·da·tism (mithґrĭ-datiz-əm) [Mithridates, died 63 B.C., king of Pontus, who reportedly took poisons so as to become immunized against them] the acquisition of immunity to the effects of a poison by ingestion of gradually increasing amounts of it.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Mithridatism — is the practice of protecting oneself against a poison by gradually self administering non lethal amounts. The word derives from Mithridates VI, the King of Pontus, who so feared being poisoned that he regularly ingested small doses, aiming to… …   Wikipedia

  • mithridatism — mithridatic /mith ri dat ik/, adj. /mith ri day tiz euhm/, n. the production of immunity against the action of a poison by taking the poison in gradually increased doses. [1850 55; after MITHRIDATES VI, said to have so immunized himself; see ISM] …   Universalium

  • mithridatism — noun The development of immunity to a poison by gradual ingestion of successively greater amounts. Syn: mithridatization, mithridatisation …   Wiktionary

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  • mithridatism — /ˈmɪθrədeɪtɪzəm/ (say mithruhdaytizuhm) noun the production of immunity against the action of a poison by taking the poison in gradually increased doses. {named after Mithridates VI, c. 132–63 BC, king of the ancient country Pontus, said to have… …  

  • mithridatism —   n. immunity from poison obtained by consuming series of small doses.    ♦ mithridatic, a.    ♦ mithridatize, v.t …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • mithridatism — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈdād.ˌizəm noun ( s) Etymology: Mithridates VI died 63 B.C. king of ancient Pontus (from Latin Mithridates, from Greek Mithridatēs, Mithradatēs) + English ism; from the fact that he reputedly produced this condition in himself :… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mithridates VI of Pontus — Mithridates the Great redirects here. For other people, see Mithridates. Mithridates VI King of Pontus Mithridates VI from the Musée du Louvre Reign …   Wikipedia

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