
An instrument with two blades and a handle used for handling, grasping, or compressing. Many types of forceps are employed in medicine, including the alligator forceps (an angled instrument with jaws at the end), tissue forceps (a form of tweezer), hemostatic forceps (also simply called a hemostat, to clamp a bleeding vessel), mosquito forceps (a small hemostat) and obstetrical forceps (to aid in delivering a baby). The word "forceps" comes directly from the Latin for an instrument designed to grasp, pluck, or lift. The term was derived from "formus" =(hot) + "capere" (to grasp) and designated an instrument used to grasp something too hot to handle with ones hands.
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1. An instrument to grasp a structure, for compression or traction. Cf.:clamp. 2. [TA] Bands of white fibers in the brain, major f. and minor f.. [L. a pair of tongs]
- Adson f. a small thumb f. with two teeth on one tip and one tooth on the other.
- alligator f. a long f. with a small hinged jaw on the end.
- Allis f. a straight grasping f. with serrated jaws, used to forcibly grasp or retract tissues or structures.
- f. anterior SYN: minor f..
- Arruga f. f. for the intracapsular extraction of a cataract.
- arterial f. a locking f. with sloping blades for grasping the end of a blood vessel until a ligature is applied.
- axis-traction f. obstetrical f. provided with a second handle so attached that traction can be made in the line in which the head must move in the axis of the pelvis.
- Barton f. an obstetrical f. with one fixed curved blade and a hinged anterior blade for application to a high transverse head.
- bayonet f. f. with offset blades, such as those for use through an otoscope.
- bone f. a strong f. used for seizing or removing fragments of bone.
- Brown-Adson f. an Adson f. with about 16 delicate teeth on each tip.
- bulldog f. a soft-bladed f. for occluding a blood vessel.
- bullet f. a f. with thin curved blades with serrated grasping surfaces, for extracting a bullet from tissues.
- capsule f. f. used for removing the capsule of the lens in extracapsular extraction of a cataract.
- Chamberlen f. the original obstetrical f., without a curvature.
- clamp f. a f. with pronged jaws designed to engage the jaws of a rubber dam clamp so that they may be separated to pass over the widest buccolingual contour of a tooth. SYN: rubber dam clamp f..
- clip f. a small f. with spring catch to occlude the end of a bleeding vessel.
- cup biopsy f. a slender flexible f. with movable cup-shaped jaws, used to obtain biopsy specimens by introduction through a specially designed endoscope.
- cutting f. SYN: labitome.
- DeBakey f. nontraumatic f. used to pick up blood vessel s; also known as “magics.” SYN: magic f..
- dental f. f. used to luxate teeth and remove them from the alveolus. SYN: extracting f..
- dressing f. a thumb f. for general use in dressing wounds, removing fragments of necrotic tissue, small foreign bodies, etc.
- extracting f. SYN: dental f..
- frontal f. minor f..
- f. frontalis minor f..
- Graefe f. a small thumb f. with one horizontal row of six or eight delicate teeth across each tip.
- hemostatic f. a f. with a catch for locking the blades, used for seizing the end of a blood vessel to control hemorrhage.
- jeweller f. a small thumb f. with very fine pointed blades, used to grasp tissues in microsurgical procedures.
- Kjelland f. an obstetrical f. having a sliding lock, and little pelvic curve.
- Laplace f. a f. for approximating intestines during surgical anastomosis.
- Levret f. a modification of the Chamberlen f., curved to correspond to the curve of the parturient passage.
- lion-jaw bone-holding f. a sturdy f. with strong sharp teeth in the jaws, used for holding bone fragments.
- Löwenberg f. f. with short curved blades ending in rounded grasping extremities devised for the removal of adenoid growths in the nasopharynx.
- magic f. SYN: DeBakey f..
- Magill f. a bent blunt f. used to facilitate nasotracheal intubation.
- f. major [TA] SYN: major f..
- major f. [TA] occipital radiation of the corpus callosum; that part of the fiber radiation of the corpus callosum which bends sharply backward into the occipital lobe of the cerebrum. SYN: f. major [TA], occipital f., f. occipitalis, f. posterior, occipital part of corpus callosum, pars occipitalis corporis callosi.
- f. minor [TA] SYN: minor f..
- minor f. [TA] frontal radiation of the corpus callosum; that part of the fiber radiation of the corpus callosum which bends forward toward the frontal pole of the cerebrum. SYN: f. minor [TA], f. frontalis, frontal f., f. anterior, frontal part of corpus callosum, pars frontalis corporis callosi.
- mosquito f. SYN: mosquito clamp.
- mouse-tooth f. a f. with one or two fine points at the tip of each blade, fitting into hollows between the points on the opposite blade.
- needle f. SYN: needle-holder.
- nonfenestrated f. obstetrical f. without openings in the blades, thus facilitating rotation of the head.
- obstetrical f. f. used for grasping and applying traction to or for rotation of the fetal head; the blades are introduced separately into the genital canal, permitting the fetal head to be grasped firmly but with minimal compression, and then are articulated after being placed in correct position.
- occipital f. major f..
- f. occipitalis SYN: major f..
- O'Hara f. two slender clamp f. held together by a serrefine, once used in intestinal anastomosis; now obsolete.
- Piper f. obstetrical f. used to facilitate delivery of the head in breech presentation.
- f. posterior SYN: major f..
- Randall stone f. a f. with variably curved slender blades and serrated jaws, used to extract calculi from the renal pelvis or calices.
- rubber dam clamp f. SYN: clamp f..
- Simpson f. an obstetrical f..
- speculum f. a tubular f. for use through a speculum.
- Tarnier f. a type of axis-traction f..
- tenaculum f. a f. with jaws armed each with a sharp, straight hook like a tenaculum.
- thumb f. a spring f. used by compression with thumb and forefinger.
- tubular f. a long slender f. intended for use through a cannula or other tubular instrument.
- Tucker-McLean f. a type of axis-traction f..
- tying f. an instrument with flat, smooth tips used in ophthalmic surgery, particularly for tying sutures.
- vulsella f., vulsellum f. a f. with hooks at the tip of each blade. SYN: volsella, vulsella, vulsellum.
- Willett f. obsolete term for a traction f. used to treat placenta previa by pulling the fetal head down against the placenta.

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for·ceps 'fȯr-səps, -.seps n, pl forceps an instrument for grasping, holding firmly, or exerting traction upon objects esp. for delicate operations (as by surgeons, obstetricians, or dentists)

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a pincer-like instrument designed to grasp an object so that it can be held firm or pulled. Specially designed forceps - of which there are many varieties - are used by surgeons and dentists in operations. The forceps used in childbirth are so designed as to fit firmly round the baby's head without damaging it. Dental extraction forceps are specially designed to fit the various shapes of teeth. By having long handles and short beaks they provide considerable leverage.

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for·ceps (forґseps) [L.] 1. an instrument with two blades and a handle for compressing or grasping tissues in surgical operations, and for handling sterile dressings and other surgical supplies. See accompanying table. 2. an organ or part shaped like the surgical instrument, particularly the terminal fibers of the corpus callosum.

Some types of forceps. (A), Alligator forceps (straight); (B), Halsted mosquito hemostatic forceps (straight); (C), Adson tissue forceps (teeth); (D), Allis tissue forceps; (E), Allis-Adair tissue forceps; (F), Heaney hysterectomy forceps (single tooth, curved); (G), Heaney-Ballentine hysterectomy forceps (single tooth, curved); (H), Schroeder uterine tenaculum forceps (single tooth); (I), Schroeder uterine vulsellum forceps (double tooth, straight).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • forceps — [ fɔrsɛps ] n. m. • 1692; mot lat. « pinces » ♦ Instrument obstétrical en forme de pinces à branches séparables (cuillères), qui sert à saisir la tête du fœtus pour en faciliter l expulsion lors de certains accouchements. ⇒ fer. Accoucher au… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • fórceps — (Del lat. forceps, tenaza). 1. m. Med. Instrumento en forma de tenaza, que se usa para la extracción de las criaturas en los partos difíciles. U. t. en sent. fig. Sacarle algo a alguien con fórceps. 2. Instrumento en forma de tenaza usado para la …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • forceps — (n.) 1560s, from L. forceps pair of tongs, pincers, compound of formus hot (see WARM (Cf. warm) (adj.)) + root of capere to hold, take (see CAPABLE (Cf. capable)). Originally a smith s implement. The classical plural is forcipes …   Etymology dictionary

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