- micrometer
- 1. One-millionth of a meter; formerly called micron. 2. A device for measuring various types of objects in an accurate and precise manner; in medicine and biology, the term is usually used with reference to a glass slide or lens that is accurately marked for measuring microscopic forms. [micro- + G. metron, measure]- caliper m. a gauge with a calibrated m. screw for the measurement of thin objects such as microscope cover glasses and slides.- filar m. an ocular m. with a line moved by a ruled drum such that a movement of the line of 5 μm or less may be made in relation to fixed parallel lines.- ocular m. a glass disk that fits in a microscope eyepiece and that has a ruled scale; when calibrated with a slide m., direct measurements of a microscopic object can be made.- slide m. a scale made on a microscope slide with lines ruled in divisions, usually, of 0.01 mm; typically used to calibrate an ocular m..
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mi·crom·e·ter mī-'kräm-ət-ər n an instrument used with a telescope or microscope for measuring minute distances* * *
n.an instrument for making extremely fine measurements of thickness or length, often relying upon the movement of a screw thread and the principle of the vernier.* * *
mi·crom·e·ter (mi-kromґə-tər) [micro- + -meter] an instrument for measuring objects seen through the microscope.
Medical dictionary. 2011.