
1. An instrument that magnifies the microscopic movements of a diaphragm by means of light interference and records them on a moving photographic film; may be used for recording various pulse curves, sound waves, and any forms of motion that may be communicated through the air to a diaphragm. 2. SYN: photomicrograph. [micro- + G. grapho, to write]
- electron m. the image produced by the electron beam of an electron microscope, recorded on an electron-sensitive plate or film.
- light m. a photograph produced by means of a light microscope.

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mi·cro·graph -.graf n
1) a graphic reproduction (as a photograph) of the image of an object formed by a microscope
2) an instrument for measuring minute movements by magnifying and recording photographically the corresponding vibrations of a diaphragm moving in unison with the original object
micrograph vt

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a photograph of an object as viewed through a microscope. An electron micrograph is photographed through an electron microscope; a light micrograph through a light microscope.

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mi·cro·graph (miґkro-graf″) 1. an instrument for recording extremely minute movements. It acts by making a greatly magnified record on a photographic film of the minute motions of a diaphragm. 2. the photograph of a minute object or specimen (tissue, etc.) as seen through a microscope.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Micrograph — Mi cro*graph, n. [See {Micrography}.] 1. An instrument for executing minute writing or engraving. [1913 Webster] 2. a graphic image, such as a photograph or drawing, representing an object as seen with a microscope, usually much enlarged as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Micrograph — Micrograph. См. Микроструктура. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • micrograph — [mī΄krōgraf΄] n. [ MICRO + GRAPH] 1. an apparatus for doing extremely small writing, drawing, or engraving 2. a photograph or drawing of an object as seen through a microscope 3. an apparatus by which, through the movements of a diaphragm, very… …   English World dictionary

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  • micrograph — photomicrograph; n. a photograph of an object as viewed through a microscope. An electron micrograph is photographed through an electron microscope; a light micrograph through a light microscope …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • micrograph — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1869 a graphic reproduction of the image of an object formed by a microscope • micrograph transitive verb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • micrograph — /muy kreuh graf , grahf /, n. 1. an instrument for executing extremely minute writing or engraving. 2. Optics. a photograph taken through a microscope or a drawing of an object as seen through a microscope. [1870 75; MICRO + GRAPH] * * * …   Universalium

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