
The application of moving pictures taken through magnifying lenses to the study of an organ or system in motion; e.g., the circulation in living embryos. [micro- + G. kinema, movement, + grapho, to write]

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mi·cro·cin·e·ma·tog·ra·phy -.sin-ə-mə-'täg-rə-fē n, pl -phies photomicrography in which the product is a motion picture called also cinephotomicrography
mi·cro·cine·mat·o·graph·ic -.mat-ə-'graf-ik adj

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mi·cro·cin·e·ma·tog·ra·phy (mi″kro-sin″ə-mə-togґrə-fe) [micro- + Gr. kinēma movement + graphein to write] the making of moving picture photographs of microscopic subjects. Called also microkinematography. See also cinemicrography.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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