- metronidazole
- An orally effective trichomonicide used in the treatment of infections caused by Trichomonas vaginalis and Entamoeba histolytica and Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria. Can produce a disulfiram reaction when combined with alcohol.
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met·ro·ni·da·zole .me-trə-'nīd-ə-.zōl n an antiprotozoal and antibacterial drug C6H9N3O3 used esp. to treat vaginal trichomoniasis, amebiasis, and infections by anaerobic bacteria see FLAGYL* * *
n.a drug used to treat infections of the urinary, genital, and digestive systems, such as trichomoniasis, amoebiasis, and giardiasis, and acute ulcerative gingivitis. It is administered by mouth or in suppositories; side-effects include digestive upsets and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Trade names: Flagyl, Metrozol.* * *
met·ro·ni·da·zole (met″ro-niґdə-zōl) [USP] an antiprotozoal and antibacterial effective against obligate anaerobes; administered orally and intravaginally in bacterial vaginosis and Trichomonas vaginalis infection in females and orally in T. vaginalis infection in males and intestinal amebiasis. It is used orally or intravenously in extraintestinal amebiasis and infection by obligate anaerobic bacteria and intravenously for the prophylaxis of colonic perioperative infection. It is also used topically in the treatment of rosacea.
Medical dictionary. 2011.