
Having a head well proportioned to height; denoting a skull with an index between 72 and 77. SEE ALSO: orthocephalic. [G. metrios, moderate, fr. metron, measure, + kephale, head]

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met·rio·ce·phal·ic (met″re-o-sə-falґik) [Gr. metrios moderate + cephal- + -ic] having a skull with a vertical index between 72 and 77.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • orthocephalic — Having a head well proportioned to height; denoting a skull with a vertical index between 70 and 75. SEE ALSO: metriocephalic. SYN: orthocephalous. [ortho + G. kephale, head] * * * or·tho·ce·phal·ic .ȯr thō sə fal ik adj having a head with a… …   Medical dictionary

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