
The distal portion of the foot between the instep and the toes, having as its skeleton the five long bones (metatarsal bones) articulating proximally with the cuboid and cuneiform bones and distally with the phalanges. [meta- + G. tarsos, tarsus]
- m. adductovarus fixed deformity of the foot in which both adductus and varus vectors contribute to the resultant foot posture.
- m. adductus a fixed deformity of the foot in which the forepart of the foot is angled away from the main longitudinal axis of the foot toward the midline; usually congenital in origin. SYN: intoe.
- m. atavicus abnormal shortness of the first metatarsal bone as compared with the second.
- m. latus deformity caused by sinking down of the transverse arch of the foot. SYN: talipes transversoplanus.
- m. varus fixed deformity of the foot in which the forepart of the foot is rotated on the long axis of the foot, so that the plantar surface faces the midline of the body.

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meta·tar·sus .met-ə-'tär-səs n the part of the human foot or of the hind foot in quadrupeds that is between the tarsus and phalanges, contains when all the digits are present (as in humans) five more or less elongated bones but is modified in many animals with loss or reduction of some bones or fusing of others, and in humans forms the instep

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the five bones of the foot that connect the tarsus (ankle) to the phalanges (toes).

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meta·tar·sus (metə-tahrґsəs) [meta- + tarsus] [TA] the part of the foot between the tarsus and the toes, its skeleton being the five long bones (the metatarsals) extending from the tarsus to the phalanges. See also ossa metatarsi, under os2.

Metatarsus, comprising the metatarsal bones, which extend between the tarsus and phalanges and are numbered mediolaterally.

Medical dictionary. 2011.


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