- metasyphilitic
- 1. Relating to metasyphilis. SYN: metaluetic (1). 2. Following or occurring as a sequel of syphilis. SYN: metaluetic (2). 3. SYN: parasyphilitic.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
metaluetic — 1. SYN: metasyphilitic (1). 2. SYN: metasyphilitic (2). 3. SYN: parasyphilitic. [meta + L. lues, pestilence] … Medical dictionary
parasyphilitic — Denoting certain diseases supposed to be indirectly due to syphilis but presenting none of the recognized lesions of that infection. SYN: metaluetic (3). SYN: metasyphilitic (3) … Medical dictionary