- metamyelocyte
- A transitional form of myelocyte with nuclear construction that is intermediate between the mature myelocyte (myelocyte C of Sabin) and the two-lobed granular leukocyte. SYN: juvenile cell. [meta- + G. myelos, marrow, + kytos, cell]
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meta·my·elo·cyte .met-ə-'mī-ə-lə-.sīt n any of the most immature granulocytes present in normal blood that are distinguished by typical cytoplasmic granulation in combination with a simple kidney-shaped nucleus* * *
n.an immature granulocyte (a type of white blood cell), having a kidney-shaped nucleus (compare myelocyte) and cytoplasm containing neutrophil, eosinophil, or basophil granules. It is normally found in the blood-forming tissue of the bone marrow but may appear in the blood in a wide variety of diseases, including acute infections and chronic myeloid leukaemia. See also granulopoiesis.* * *
meta·my·elo·cyte (met″ə-miґə-lo-sīt″) a precursor in the granulocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between a promyelocyte and the mature segmented and granular polymorphonuclear leukocyte. The protein synthesis seen in earlier stages decreases or stops; the nucleus becomes indented and its chromatin becomes coarse and clumped; and the cytoplasm becomes pink like that of a mature granulocyte. Called also juvenile neutrophil, cell, or form.
Medical dictionary. 2011.