- merozoite
- The motile infective stage of sporozoan protozoa that results from schizogony or a similar type of asexual reproduction; e.g., endodyogeny or endopolygeny. Merozoites form at the surface of schizonts, blastophores, or invaginations into schizonts, and are responsible for the vast reproductive powers of sporozoan parasites; this is seen in human malaria, where the cyclic production of merozoites produces the typical fever and chill syndrome. SYN: endodyocyte (2). [mero- + G. zoon, animal]
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mero·zo·ite .mer-ə-'zō-.īt n a small ameboid sporozoan trophozoite (as of a malaria parasite) produced by schizogony that is capable of initiating a new sexual or asexual cycle of development* * *
n.a stage in the life cycle of the malaria parasite (Plasmodium). Many merozoites are formed during the asexual division of the schizont (see schizogony). The released merozoites may invade new red blood cells or new liver cells, and continue the asexual phase with the production of yet more merozoites, effectively spreading the infection. Alternatively, merozoites invade red blood cells and begin the sexual cycle with the formation of male and female sex cells (see microgametocyte, macrogametocyte).* * *
mero·zo·ite (mer″o-zoґīt) [mero-1 + zo- + -ite1] a stage in the life cycle of certain sporozoan protozoa resulting from merogony. Called also schizozoite.
Medical dictionary. 2011.