- medulloepithelioma
- A rare, primitive, rapidly growing intracranial neoplasm thought to originate from the cells of the embryonic medullary canal and hence included with ependymoblastomas by some neuropathologists; ganglion cells and astrocyte maturation have also been reported. Tumors that occur in the ciliary body are referred to as embryonal medulloepitheliomas. [medullo- + epithelium + -oma, tumor]- embryonal m. an epitheliomatous tumor of the nonpigmented layer of the ciliary epithelium. SYN: embryonal tumor of ciliary body.
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me·dul·lo·epi·the·li·o·ma (mə-dul″o-ep″ĭ-the″le-oґmə) a rare type of neuroepithelial tumor, usually found in the brain or retina, composed of primitive neuroepithelial cells lining the tubular spaces; called also neurocytoma and neuroepithelioma. Cf. diktyoma.
Medical dictionary. 2011.