
The protein from which fibrin is formed/generated in normal blood clotting
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A globulin of the blood plasma that is converted into fibrin by the action of thrombin in the presence of ionized calcium to produce coagulation of the blood; the only coagulable protein in the blood plasma of vertebrates; it is absent in afibrinogenemia and is defective in dysfibrinogenemia.
- human f. f. prepared from normal human plasma; a coagulant (clotting factor), used as an adjunct in the management of acute, congenital, or acquired chronic hypofibrinogenemia.

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fi·brin·o·gen -'brin-ə-jən n a plasma protein that is produced in the liver and is converted into fibrin during blood clot formation

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a substance (coagulation factor), present in blood plasma, that is acted upon by the enzyme thrombin to produce the insoluble protein fibrin in the final stage of blood coagulation. The normal level of fibrinogen in plasma is 2-4 g/1 (4-6 g/l during pregnancy).

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fi·brin·o·gen (fi-brinґo-jən) [fibrin + -gen] factor I; see under coagulation factors, at factor.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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