- mechanoreceptor
- A receptor which responds to mechanical pressure or distortion; e.g., receptors in the carotid sinuses, touch receptors in the skin. SYN: mechanicoreceptor.
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mech·a·no·re·cep·tor -ri-'sep-tər n a neural end organ (as a tactile receptor) that responds to a mechanical stimulus (as a change in pressure)mech·a·no·re·cep·tion -'sep-shən nmech·a·no·re·cep·tive -'sep-tiv adj* * *
n.a group of cells that respond to mechanical distortion, such as that caused by stretching or compressing a tissue, by generating a nerve impulse in a sensory nerve (see receptor). Touch receptors, proprioceptor, and the receptors for hearing and balance all belong to this class.* * *
mech·a·no·re·cep·tor (mek″ə-no-re-sepґtər) a receptor that is excited by mechanical pressures or distortions, as those responding to sound, touch, and muscular contractions. Specific types are variously called corpuscles, nerve endings, and receptors. See also rapidly-adapting receptor, slowly-adapting receptor, and nonadapting receptor, under receptor.
Medical dictionary. 2011.