- mask
- 1. Any of a variety of disease states producing alteration or discoloration of the skin of the face. 2. The expressionless appearance seen in certain diseases; e.g., Parkinson facies. 3. A facial bandage. 4. A shield designed to cover the mouth and nose for maintenance of antiseptic conditions. 5. A device designed to cover the mouth and nose for administration of inhalation anesthetics, oxygen, or other gases.- ecchymotic m. a dusky discoloration of the head and neck occurring when the trunk has been subjected to sudden and extreme compression, as in traumatic asphyxia.- Hutchinson m. the sensation experienced in tabetic neurosyphilis as if the face were covered with a m. or with cobwebs.- laryngeal m. a tubular oropharyngeal airway with an inflatable rim at the distal end that when inflated creates an airtight seal immediately above the larynx.- nonrebreathing m. a m. fitted with both an inhalation valve and an exhalation valve so that all exhaled gas is vented to the external atmosphere and inhaled gas comes only from a reservoir connected to the m..- tropical m. SYN: chloasma bronzinum.* * *Medical Anatomy Segmentation Kit
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1) a protective covering for the face2 a) any of various devices that cover the mouth and nose and are used to prevent inhalation of dangerous substances, to facilitate delivery of a gas (as oxygen or a general anesthetic), or to prevent the dispersal of exhaled infective material see gas mask, oxygen mask3) a cosmetic preparation for the skin of the face that produces a tightening effect as it driesmask vt1) to prevent (an atom or group of atoms) from showing its ordinary reactions <to \mask hydroxyl in a sugar by converting it into methoxyl>2) to modify or reduce the effect or activity of (as a process or a reaction)3) to make indistinct or imperceptible <flavorings used in pharmacy to \mask the taste of medications>4) to raise the audibility threshold of (a sound) by the simultaneous presentation of another sound* * *
(mask) 1. a covering for the face, such as a bandage, an apparatus for administering oxygen, or a cloth for prevention of spread of droplets from the nose and mouth. 2. to cover or conceal the true nature of something, such as of a disorder by unrelated symptoms. See masked. 3. to interfere with processing of a stimulus; see masking. 4. in dentistry, to camouflage metal parts of a prosthesis by covering with opaque material.
Medical dictionary. 2011.