- masculinization
- The condition marked by the attainment of male characteristics, such as facial hair, either physiologically as part of male maturation, or pathologically by individuals of either sex. [L. masculus, male]
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n.development of excess body and facial hair, deepening of the voice, and increase in muscle bulk (secondary male sexual characteristics) in a female due to a hormone disorder or to hormone therapy. See also virilism, virilization.* * *
mas·cu·lin·iza·tion (mas″ku-lin-ĭ-zaґshən) 1. the normal development of primary or secondary sex characters in the male. 2. the induction or development of male secondary sex characters in the female or prepubertal male, such as enlargement of the clitoris or penis, growth of facial and body hair, and deepening of the voice. In females, it is called also gynandrism. 3. the condition of having such sex characters. Called also androgenization. Cf. virilescence, virilism, and virilization.
Medical dictionary. 2011.