
A boundary, edge, or border, as of a surface or structure. SEE ALSO: border, edge. SYN: margo [TA]. [L. margo, border, edge]
- acetabular m. [TA] the rim of bone around the acetabulum to which is attached the labrum acetabulare. SYN: limbus acetabuli [TA], m. of acetabulum [TA], margo acetabularis.
- m. of acetabulum [TA] SYN: acetabular m..
- anterior m. SYN: anterior border.
- anterior palpebral m. [TA] the anterior edge of the free m. of each eyelid, along close to which the eyelashes are embedded. SYN: limbus anterior palpebrae [TA], anterior border of eyelids.
- articular m. SYN: glenoid labrum of scapula.
- cavity m. the periphery of a filling, the line of junction between a restoration and the external surface of a tooth.
- cervical m. 1. SYN: gingival m.. 2. termination of a restoration in the gingival area.
- cervical m. of tooth SYN: neck of tooth.
- ciliary m. of iris [TA] the peripheral border of the iris attached to the ciliary body. SYN: margo ciliaris iridis [TA], ciliary border of iris.
- corneal m. SYN: corneal limbus.
- costal m. [TA] that portion of the inferior aperture of the thorax formed by the articulated cartilages of the seventh to tenth (false) ribs. SYN: arcus costalis [TA], costal arch, arcus costarum.
- margins of eyelids SYN: palpebral margins.
- falciform m. of saphenous opening [TA] the sharply curved, free m. of the saphenous opening in the fascia lata; medially, it ends in a superior and an inferior horn. SYN: margo falciformis hiatus sapheni [TA], margo arcuatus hiatus sapheni.
- fibular m. of foot SYN: lateral border of foot.
- m. of fossa ovalis SYN: limbus fossae ovalis.
- free m. SYN: free border.
- free m. of eyelids the unattached inferior edge of the upper lid and superior edge of the lower lid, where the anterior (cutaneous) surface of the eyelid meets the posterior (conjunctival) surface of the eyelid. The free margins of the eyelids bound the rima palpebrarum, and each free m. has an anterior and posterior m.. SEE ALSO: palpebral margins.
- frontal m. SYN: frontal border.
- frontal m. of sphenoid [TA] the m. of the greater wing of the sphenoid bon that articulates with the frontal bone. SYN: margo frontalis ossis sphenoidalis [TA], frontal border of sphenoid bone.
- gingival m. 1. the most coronal portion of the gingiva surrounding the tooth; 2. the edge of the free gingiva. SYN: cervical m. (1), gingival crest.
- incisal m. [TA] the part of an anterior tooth farthest from the apex of the root. SYN: margo incisalis [TA], cutting edge (2), incisal edge, incisal surface, shearing edge.
- inferior m. SYN: inferior border.
- inferolateral m. SYN: inferolateral m. of cerebral hemisphere.
- inferolateral m. of cerebral hemisphere [TA] the irregular, discontinuous m. of the cerebral hemisphere at the junction of the inferior and superolateral surfaces. SYN: margo inferolateralis [TA], inferolateral m., margo inferior cerebri.
- inferomedial m. of cerebral hemisphere [TA] the irregular border of the cerebral hemisphere at the junction of the inferior and medial surfaces. SYN: margo inferomedialis hemispherii cerebri [TA], margo medialis cerebri.
- infraorbital m. the inferior half of the orbital rim, or the lower border of the orbital opening, formed by the maxilla medially and the zygomatic bone laterally. See orbital m.. SYN: margo infraorbitalis.
- interosseous m. SYN: interosseous border.
- lacrimal m. of maxilla [TA] the m. of the nasal surface of the maxilla that articulates with the lacrimal bone. SYN: margo lacrimalis maxillae [TA], lacrimal border of maxilla.
- lambdoid m. of occipital bone SYN: lambdoid border of occipital bone.
- lateral m. SYN: lateral border.
- mastoid m. of occipital bone SYN: mastoid border of occipital bone.
- medial m. SYN: medial border.
- mesovarian m. of ovary SYN: mesovarian border of ovary.
- nasal m. of frontal bone [TA] the border of the frontal bone that articulates with the nasal bones. SYN: margo nasalis ossis frontalis [TA], nasal border of frontal bone.
- occipital m. SYN: occipital border.
- occipital m. of temporal bone [TA] that part of the temporal bone that articulates with the occipital squama. SYN: margo occipitalis ossis temporalis [TA], occipital border of temporal bone.
- m. of orbit SYN: orbital m..
- orbital m. [TA] the mostly sharp edge of the orbital opening which is the peripheral border of the base of the pyramid-shaped orbit. The superior half of the orbital rim is the supraorbital m.; the inferior half is the infraorbital m.. The frontal, maxillary, and zygomatic bones contribute to the orbital rim, which is generally strong to protect the orbital contents. Weak, potential fracture sites of the rim coincide with the sutures between the participating bones. SYN: margo orbitalis [TA], m. of orbit, orbital rim.
- orbital m. of eyelids the outer or peripheral attached borders of the upper and lower eyelids; therootof the eyelids, along which it is attached to the orbital rim.
- palpebral margins [TA] the anterior and posterior edges of the free m. of the upper and lower eyelids. SEE ALSO: anterior palpebral m., posterior palpebral m.. SYN: limbi palpebrales [TA], margo palpebrae [TA], borders of eyelids, margins of eyelids.
- parietal m. SYN: parietal border.
- parietal m. of frontal bone [TA] the m. of the frontal bone that articulates with the parietal bone. SYN: margo parietalis ossis frontalis [TA], parietal border of frontal bone.
- parietal m. of greater wing of sphenoid [TA] the m. of the greater wing of the sphenoid that articulates with the parietal bone. SYN: margo parietalis alaris majoris ossis sphenoidalis [TA], margo parietalis ossis sphenoidalis, parietal border of sphenoid bone.
- posterior palpebral m. [TA] the posterior edge of the free m. of each eyelid, which is also the border of the conjunctiva. SYN: posterior border of eyelids.
- psoas m. in abdominal radiography, the appearance of the fat stripe delineating the lateral m. of the psoas muscle shadow; shows a normal retroperitoneum when visible.
- pupillary m. of iris [TA] the inner border of the iris that forms the edge of the pupil. SYN: margo pupillaris iridis [TA], pupillary border of iris.
- right m. of heart SYN: right border of heart.
- m. of safety the range between the minimal therapeutic dose and the minimal toxic dose of a drug.
- sphenoidal m. of temporal bone [TA] the part of the border of the squamous part of the temporal bone that articulates with the greater wing of the sphenoid. SYN: margo sphenoidalis ossis temporalis [TA], sphenoidal border of temporal bone.
- squamosal m. of greater wing of sphenoid [TA] the m. of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone that articulates with the squamous part of the temporal bone. SYN: margo squamosus alaris majoris ossis sphenoidalis [TA], margo squamosus ossis sphenoidalis, squamous border of sphenoid bone.
- squamous m. SYN: squamosal border.
- superior m. of cerebral hemisphere [TA] the curved m. of the cerebral hemisphere at the junction of the superolateral and medial surfaces. SYN: margo superior hemispherii cerebri [TA], margo superomedialis, superomedial m..
- superomedial m. SYN: superior m. of cerebral hemisphere.
- supraorbital m. [TA] the superior half of the orbital rim, which constitutes the curved superior border of the orbital opening, formed by the frontal bone. See orbital m.. SYN: margo supraorbitalis [TA], supraorbital arch, supraorbital ridge.
- m. of tongue [TA] the lateral border that separates the dorsum from the inferior surface of the tongue on each side, the two borders meeting anteriorly at the apex. SYN: margo linguae [TA].
- ulnar m. of forearm SYN: ulnar border of forearm.
- zygomatic m. of greater wing of sphenoid bone the border of the greater wing of the sphenoid that articulates with the zygomatic bone. SYN: margo zygomaticus alaris majoris ossis sphenoidalis [TA], margo zygomaticus alae majoris, zygomatic border of greater wing of sphenoid bone.

* * *

mar·gin 'mär-jən n
1) the outside limit or edge of something (as a bodily part or a wound)
2) the part of consciousness at a particular moment that is felt only vaguely and dimly

* * *

mar·gin (mahrґjin) a boundary or edge, such as the boundary of an organ or tumor. Called also border and margo [TA]. marginal adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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