
The portion of the sternum or of the malleus that represents the handle of a sword or hammer. [L. handle]
- m. mallei SYN: m. of malleus.
- m. of malleus the handle of the malleus; the portion that extends downward, inward, and backward from the neck of the malleus; it is embedded throughout its length in the tympanic membrane. SYN: m. mallei.
- m. sterni [TA] SYN: m. of sternum.
- m. of sternum [TA] the upper segment of the sternum, a flattened, roughly triangular bone, occasionally fused with the body of the sternum, forming with it a slight angle, the sternal angle. SYN: m. sterni [TA], episternum, presternum.

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ma·nu·bri·um mə-'n(y)ü-brē-əm n, pl -bria -brē-ə also -bri·ums an anatomical process or part shaped like a handle: as
a) the uppermost segment of the sternum of humans and many other mammals that is a somewhat triangular flattened bone with anterolateral borders which articulate with the clavicles
b) the process of the malleus of the ear

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n. (pl. manubria)
1. the upper section of the breastbone (see sternum). It articulates with the clavicles and the first costal cartilage; the second costal cartilage articulates at the junction between the manubrium and body of the sternum.
2. the handle-like part of the malleus (an ear ossicle), attached to the eardrum.
manubrial adj.

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ma·nu·bri·um (mə-nooґbre-əm) pl. manuґbria [L.] 1. a handlelike structure or part. m. sterni.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • manubrium — [ manybrijɔm ] n. m. • 1890; mot lat. « manche, poignée » 1 ♦ Zool. Tube central portant la bouche, au milieu inférieur de l ombrelle d une méduse. 2 ♦ (1928) Anat. Manubrium sternal : segment supérieur du sternum auquel s articulent les deux… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Manubrium —   [lateinisch »Handhabe«, »Griff«] das, s/...bria,    1) Anatomie: Teil des Brustbeins.    2) Zoologie: der Magenstiel der Medusen; bei Springschwänzen Teil der Sprunggabel.   * * * Ma|nu|bri|um, das; s, ...ien [lat. manubri …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Manubrium — Ma*nu bri*um, n.; pl. L. {Manubria}, E. {Manubriums}. [L., handle, fr. manus hand.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) A handlelike process or part; esp., the anterior segment of the sternum, or presternum, and the handlelike process of the malleus. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Manubrĭum — (lat.), Griff; M. mallei, M. sterni, Griff des Hammers (s. Ohr), des Brustbeins, s.d …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Manubrium — Manubrium, s. Algen (Characeae), S. 317 …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Manubrium — Manubrĭum (lat), Handgriff, Handhabe; insbes. die Griffe an den Registerzügen der Orgel …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • manubrium — [mə no͞o′brē əm, mənyo͞o′brē ən] n. pl. manubria [mə no͞o′brēə, mə nyo͞o′brēə] or manubriums [L, a handle, hilt, haft < manus, a hand: see MANUAL] a handlelike structure, process, or part; esp., a) the portion of a jellyfish or other cnidarian …   English World dictionary

  • Manubrium — For the manubrium of the eardrum, see eardrum. For the manubrium of the jellyfish, see jellyfish. Bone: Manubrium Posterior surface of sternum …   Wikipedia

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