
A disaccharide formed in the hydrolysis of starch and consisting of two d-glucose residues bound by a 1,4-α-glycoside link. SYN: malt sugar, maltobiose.

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malt·ose 'mȯl-.tōs, -.tōz n a crystalline dextrorotatory fermentable disaccharide sugar C12H22O11 formed esp. from starch by amylase (as in saliva and malt), as an intermediate reducing product in metabolism, and in brewing and distilling and used chiefly in foods and in biological culture media

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a sugar that consists of two molecules of glucose. Maltose is formed from the digestion of starch and glycogen and is found in germinating cereal seeds.

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mal·tose (mawlґtōs) [NF] a reducing disaccharide composed of two glucose residues in α-(1,4)-glycosidic linkage; it is the fundamental structural unit of glycogen and starch and is used as a nutrient and sweetener.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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