
A rounded bony prominence such as those on either side of the ankle joint. [L. dim. of malleus, hammer]
- external m. SYN: lateral m..
- inner m. SYN: medial m..
- internal m. SYN: medial m..
- lateral m. [TA] the process at the lateral side of the lower end of the fibula, forming the projection of the lateral part of the ankle; the lateral m. extends farther inferiorly than the medial m.. SYN: m. lateralis [TA], external m., extramalleolus, outer m..
- m. lateralis [TA] SYN: lateral m..
- medial m. [TA] the process at the medial side of the lower end of the tibia, forming the projection of the medial side of the ankle; the medial m. lies superior to the level of the lateral m.. SYN: m. medialis [TA], inner m., internal m..
- m. medialis [TA] SYN: medial m..
- outer m. SYN: lateral m..

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mal·le·o·lus -'-ə-ləs n, pl -li -. an expanded projection or process at the distal extremity of each bone of the leg:
a) the expanded lower extremity of the fibula situated on the lateral side of the leg at the ankle called also external malleolus, lateral malleolus
b) a strong pyramid-shaped process of the tibia that projects distally on the medial side of its lower extremity at the ankle called also internal malleolus, medial malleolus

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either of the two protuberances on each side of the ankle: the lateral malleolus at the lower end of the fibula or the medial malleolus at the lower end of the tibia.

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mal·le·o·lus (mə-leґo-ləs) gen. and pl. malleґoli [L., dim. of malleus hammer] anatomic nomenclature for a rounded process, such as the protuberance on either side of the ankle joint.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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