
1. A therapeutic regimen intended to preserve benefit. Cf.:compliance (2), adherence (2). 2. The extent to which the patient continues good heath practices without supervision, incorporating them into a general life-style. Cf.:compliance. [M.E., fr O.Fr., fr. Mediev. L. manuteneo, to hold in the hand]

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main·te·nance 'mānt-nən(t)s, -ən-ən(t)s adj designed or adequate to maintain a patient in a stable condition: serving to maintain a gradual process of healing or to prevent a relapse <a \maintenance dose> <\maintenance chemotherapy>

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main·te·nance (mānґtə-nəns) 1. a term used for procedures or drugs that provide a stable state over a long period as distinguished from a short-term remedial or prophylactic effect. 2. the stable state so provided.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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