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MacConkey agar — with lactose (left) and non lactose (right) fermenters … Wikipedia
MacConkey-Agar — Kolonien von Escherichia coli auf MacConkey Agar. MacConkey Agar ist ein Selektivnährboden zur Isolierung von gramnegativen Bakterien wie Salmonellen, Shigellen und coliformen Bakterien in Fäkalien, Nahrungsmitteln, Abwasser un … Deutsch Wikipedia
MacConkey's agar — Mac·Con·key s agar or Mac·Con·key agar mə käŋ kē(z) n an agar culture medium containing bile salts and lactose that is used esp. to isolate coliform bacteria MacConkey Alfred Theodore (1861 1931) British bacteriologist. MacConkey introduced the… … Medical dictionary
MacConkey agar — Mac·Con·key agar (mə kongґke) [Alfred Theodore MacConkey, English bacteriologist, 1861–1931] see under culture medium … Medical dictionary
Sorbitol-MacConkey agar — MacConkey Sorbitol Agar is a variant of traditional MacConkey agar used in the detection of O157:H7. Traditionally, MacConkey agar has been used to distinguish those bacteria that ferment lactose from those that do not. This is important because… … Wikipedia
MacConkey&’s agar — Agar based medium used for isolation of bacteria from faeces etc. Contains lactose and neutral red as an indicator so that lactose fermenting bacteria will produce red pink colonies … Dictionary of molecular biology
MacConkey agar — an agar medium containing peptone, lactose bile salts, sodium chloride, neutral red, and crystal violet, used to differentiate lactose fermenters (coliforms) from non–lactose fermenters among the enteric bacilli. Called also MC a … Medical dictionary
Alfred Theodore MacConkey — (1861 1931) was the British bacteriologist who developed MacConkey s agar, a selective medium that is used in the diagnosis of enteric pathogens. MacConkey, the son of a West Derby minister, studied medicine at Cambridge and Guy s Hospital. He… … Wikipedia
agar de MacConkey — un medio de cultivo utilizado para la identificación de patógenos entéricos que fermentan la lactosa, inhibiendo el crecimiento de los gérmenes Gram positivos. Las colonias de los gérmenes que fermentan la lactasa colorean el medio de rojo. El… … Diccionario médico
MC agar — MacConkey a … Medical dictionary