
A term originally used to depict erosion (as if gnawed) of the skin, now used with modifying terms designating the various diseases listed below. [L. wolf]
- chilblain l. 1. SYN: chilblain l. erythematosus. 2. l. pernio that is a manifestation of sarcoidosis.
- chilblain l. erythematosus skin lesions seen in patients with l. erythematosus, resembling the small, hardened nodular areas of a cold injury called chilblains. SYN: chilblain l. (1).
- chronic discoid l. erythematosus SYN: discoid l. erythematosus.
- cutaneous l. erythematosus 1. skin disease seen in patients with discoid form of l. erythematosus; 2. a term for a variety of skin lesions seen in systemic l. erythematosus.
- discoid l. erythematosus a form of l. erythematosus in which cutaneous lesions are present; these commonly appear on the face and are atrophic plaques with erythema, hyperkeratosis, follicular plugging, and telangiectasia; in some instances systemic l. erythematosis may develop. SYN: chronic discoid l. erythematosus.
- disseminated l. erythematosus SYN: systemic l. erythematosus.
- drug-induced l. the syndrome of systemic l. erythematosus induced by exposure to drugs, especially procainamide or hydralazine and characterized by antihistone antibodies. More benign than the usual disease, with less renal involvement. The syndrome clears after stopping the offending drug. SYN: hydralazine syndrome.
- l. erythematosus (LE, L.E.) an illness that may be chronic (characterized by skin lesions alone), subacute (characterized by recurring superficial nonscarring skin lesions that are more disseminated and present more acute features both clinically and histologically than those seen in the chronic discoid phase), or systemic or disseminated (in which antinuclear antibodies are present and in which there is almost always involvement of vital structures). SEE ALSO: discoid l. erythematosus, systemic l. erythematosus.
- l. erythematosus, neonatal l. erythematosus present at birth as a result of placentally transmitted antibodies from a mother with systemic l. erythematosus; characterized by transient hematopoietic and cutaneous lesions and permanent cardiac abnormalities.
- l. erythematosus profundus a subcutaneous panniculitis with marked lymphocyte infiltration of fat lobules giving rise to deep-seated, firm, rubbery nodules that sometimes become ulcerated, usually of the face; may occur in systemic and localized l. erythematosus. SYN: l. profundus.
- l. livedo persistent cyanotic lesions on the extremities, associated with the cutaneous manifestations of Raynaud disease.
- l. miliaris disseminatus faciei a milletlike papular eruption of the face associated with a (histopathologically) tuberculoid perifollicular infiltration but probably related to rosacea rather than tuberculous infection.
- neonatal l. l. erythematosus occurring in newborn children of mothers who had l. during pregnancy; anti-SSA antibodies usually should be screened for; 50% have anti-nuclear antibodies. A variety of skin lesions are seen, which can resolve or leave scarring; the syndrome usually resolves; however, cardiac manifestations can be fatal. Some children develop systemic l. later in life.
- l. pernio chronic indurated purple granulomatous skin of sarcoidosis lesion, clinically resembling frostbite, involving ears, cheeks, nose, lips, and forehead; usually with intrathoracic sarcoidosis.
- l. profundus (pro-fundus) SYN: l. erythematosus profundus. [L. deep]
- l. serpiginosus a cutaneous tuberculous lesion that spreads peripherally, healing centrally with scar formation.
- systemic l. erythematosus (SLE) an inflammatory connective tissue disease with variable features, frequently including fever, weakness and fatigability, joint pains or arthritis resembling rheumatoid arthritis, diffuse erythematous skin lesions on the face, neck, or upper extremities, with liquefaction degeneration of the basal layer and epidermal atrophy, lymphadenopathy, pleurisy or pericarditis, glomerular lesions, anemia, hyperglobulinemia, and a positive LE cell test, with serum antibodies to nuclear protein and sometimes to double-stranded DNA and other substances. SYN: disseminated l. erythematosus.
- l. vulgaris cutaneous tuberculosis with characteristic nodular lesions on the face, particularly about the nose and ears.

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lu·pus '-pəs n any of several diseases (as lupus vulgaris or systemic lupus erythematosus) characterized by skin lesions

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any of several chronic skin diseases. See lupus erythematosus, lupus verrucosus, lupus vulgaris.

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lu·pus (looґpəs) [L. âœwolf❠or âœpikeâ] 1. name formerly given to numerous types of localized destruction or degeneration of the skin caused by cutaneous diseases. 2. l. erythematosus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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