
A small lobe or subdivision of a lobe. SYN: lobulus [TA].
- ala central l. [TA] SYN: wing of central l.. SYN: pars inferior alae lobuli centralis [TA], pars superior ali lobuli centralis [TA].
- ansiform l. comprises the greater part of the hemisphere of the cerebellum; its superior and inferior surfaces are separated by the horizontal fissure into major parts known as crus I (superior semilunar l.) and crus II (inferior semilunar l.).
- l. of auricle [TA] the lowest part of the auricle; it consists of fat and fibrous tissue not reinforced by the auricular cartilage; it is often utilized as a site to obtain a small sample of blood using a lancet. SYN: lobulus auriculae [TA], ear lobe.
- biventer l. [TA] a l. on the undersurface of each cerebellar hemisphere, divided by a curved sulcus into a lateral and medial portion; it corresponds to the pyramid of the vermis. SYN: lobulus biventer [TA], biventral l., cuneiform lobe, lobulus biventralis, lobulus cuneiformis.
- biventral l. SYN: biventer l..
- central l. [TA] SYN: central l. of cerebellum.
- central l. of cerebellum a division of the superior vermis of the cerebellum between the lingula and the culmen consisting of lobules II and III. SYN: central l. [TA], lobulus centralis corporis cerebelli [TA].
- conical lobules of epididymis lobules of epididymis.
- cortical lobules of kidney one of the subdivisions of the kidney, consisting of a medullary ray and that portion of the convoluted part (renal corpuscles and convoluted tubules) associated with its collecting duct. SYN: lobulus corticalis renalis, renal cortical l., renculus (1), reniculus (1), renunculus (1).
- crescentic lobules of the cerebellum archaic term for lobulus semilunaris inferior and lobulus semilunaris superior.
- lobules of epididymis [TA] the coiled portion of the efferent ductules that constitute the head of the epididymis; these join the ductus epididymidis. SYN: lobuli epididymidis [TA], coni epididymidis, conical lobules of epididymis, coni vasculosi, Haller cones, vascular cones.
- gracile l. [TA] the anterior portion of the posteroinferior l. of the cerebellum, the posterior portion being the semilunar l. inferior; the two are continuous with the tuber of the vermis. SYN: lobulus paramedianus [TA], lobulus gracilis, paramedian l., slender l..
- hepatic l. SYN: lobules of liver.
- inferior parietal l. [TA] the area of the parietal lobe of the cerebrum lying below the interparietal sulcus; it contains the angular and the supramarginal gyri. SYN: lobulus parietalis inferior [TA], inferior parietal gyrus.
- inferior semilunar l. [TA] the part of the superior surface of the cerebellar hemisphere lying behind the horizontal fissure. SYN: lobulus semilunaris inferior [TA], crus II, posterior lunate l..
- lobules of liver [TA] the conceptual polygonal histologic unit of the liver consisting of masses of liver cells arranged around a central vein, a terminal branch of one of the hepatic veins; at the periphery are located preterminal and terminal branches of the portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct; hepatic lobules have anatomic reality in pig liver or pathologically in humans, when fibrous septa are present. SYN: lobulus hepatis [TA], hepatic l..
- lobules of mammary gland [TA] subdivisions of the lobes of the mammary gland. SYN: lobuli glandulae mammariae [TA].
- paracentral l. [TA] a division of the medial aspect of the cerebral cortex, lying above the cingulate sulcus and bounded by the paracentral sulcus in front and the marginal part of the cingulate sulcus behind; this l. is formed by the anterior paracentral gyrus and the posterior paracentral gyrus. SYN: lobulus paracentralis [TA].
- paramedian l. gracile l..
- portal l. of liver a conceptual unit of the liver, emphasizing its exocrine function in bile secretion, which comprises a roughly triangular shaped cross-sectional area with a portal canal at its center and three or more venae centrales hepatis at its periphery.
- primary pulmonary l. SYN: pulmonary acinus.
- quadrangular l. the main portion of the superior part of each hemisphere of the cerebellum, corresponding in current terminology to the anterior quadrangular l.; the hemisphere portions of the culmen (lobules IV and V) of the vermis consist of an anterior part (l. HIV) and a posterior part (l. HV); located between the preculminate and primary fissures. SYN: lobulus quadrangularis, lobulus quadratus (1), lobus quadratus, quadrate lobe (2), quadrate l. (1).
- quadrate l. 1. SYN: quadrangular l.. 2. SYN: precuneus.
- renal cortical l. SYN: cortical lobules of kidney.
- respiratory l. SYN: pulmonary acinus.
- secondary pulmonary l. a pyramidal mass of lung tissue whose sides are bounded by the incomplete interlobular connective tissue septa and whose base, which is 1 to 2 cm in diameter, usually faces the pleural surface of the lung; lobules that occupy a more central position in the lung are not well defined and are considered to consist of three to five pulmonary acini with proximate terminal bronchioles.
- simple l. [TA] the smaller anterior part of the posterior lobe of the cerebellum, demarcated by the primary fissure from the anterior lobe rostrally and by the posterior superior fissure from the large ansiform l. caudally. SYN: lobulus simplex [TA].
- slender l. SYN: gracile l..
- superior parietal l. [TA] the area of the convex surface of the parietal lobe of the cerebrum lying between the longitudinal fissure and the interparietal sulcus caudal to the postcentral gyrus; it is continuous with the precuneus on the medial aspect of the hemisphere. SYN: lobulus parietalis superior [TA], superior parietal gyrus.
- superior semilunar l. [TA] the part of the superior surface of the cerebellar hemisphere lying between the horizontal and ansoparamedian fissures and adjoining the folium and parts of the tuber of the vermis. SYN: lobulus semilunaris superior [TA], anterior lunate l., crus I.
- lobules of testis [TA] the subdivisions of the parenchyma of the testis formed by delicate fibrous septa that pass inward from the tunica albuginea to converge at the mediastinum testis. SYN: lobuli testis [TA].
- lobules of thymus [TA] areas of thymic tissue 0.5 to 2 mm in diameter with a cortex and medulla. SYN: lobuli thymi [TA].
- lobules of thyroid gland [TA] the subdivisions of the lobe of the thyroid gland, consisting of incompletely separated, irregular groups of thyroid follicles (2040 in number) bound together by delicate connective tissue. SYN: lobuli glandulae thyroideae [TA].

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lob·ule 'läb-(.)(ə)l n
1) a small lobe <the \lobule of the ear>
2) a subdivision of a lobe specif one of the small masses of tissue of which various organs (as the liver) are made up

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a subdivision of a part or organ that can be distinguished from the whole by boundaries, such as septa, that are visible with or without a microscope. For example, the lobule of the liver is a structural and functional unit seen in cross-section under a microscope as a column of cells drained by a central vein and bounded by a branch of the portal vein. The lung lobule is a practical subdivision of the lung tissue seen macroscopically in lung slices as outlined by incomplete septa of fibrous tissue. It is made up of three to five lung acinus.

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lob·ule (lobґūl) a small lobe; see lobulus. lobular adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • lobule — [ lɔbyl ] n. m. • 1690; de lobe ♦ Anat. 1 ♦ Petit lobe. Lobules du cerveau. Lobule de l oreille. 2 ♦ Unité structurelle et fonctionnelle (d un organe). Lobules hépatiques (du foie), pulmonaires (du poumon). ● lobule nom masculin (latin lobulus)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • lobulé — lobule [ lɔbyl ] n. m. • 1690; de lobe ♦ Anat. 1 ♦ Petit lobe. Lobules du cerveau. Lobule de l oreille. 2 ♦ Unité structurelle et fonctionnelle (d un organe). Lobules hépatiques (du foie), pulmonaires (du poumon). ● lobule nom masculin ( …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lobule — Lob ule, n. [Cf. F. lobule, dim. of lobe. See {Lobe}.] A small lobe; a subdivision of a lobe. [1913 Webster] {Lobule of the ear}. (Anat.) Same as {Lobe of the ear}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • lobule — [läb′yo͞ol΄] n. [ModL lobulus, dim.] 1. a small lobe 2. a subdivision of a lobe lobular [läb′yo͞o lər] adj. lobulate [läb′yo͞olāt΄] adj …   English World dictionary

  • lobule — n. a subdivision of a part or organ that can be distinguished from the whole by boundaries, such as septa, that are visible with or without a microscope. For example, the lobule of the liver is a structural and functional unit seen in cross… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • lobule — noun a) A small lobe; a subdivision of a lobe. The Jubulaceae have a leaf whose lobule, usually transformed into a water sac, is normally very narrowly attached to the stem and to the dorsal lobe; indeed some Frullania taxa reproduce vegetatively …   Wiktionary

  • lobule — (lo bu l ) s. m. 1°   Terme d histoire naturelle. Petit lobe. Les lobes se divisent en une multitude de lobules.    Terme d anatomie. Lobules du cerveau, voy. lobe.    Terme de botanique. Rudiment de feuille qui, dans les plantes monocotylédones …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Lobule of the ear — Lobule Lob ule, n. [Cf. F. lobule, dim. of lobe. See {Lobe}.] A small lobe; a subdivision of a lobe. [1913 Webster] {Lobule of the ear}. (Anat.) Same as {Lobe of the ear}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lobule adipeux — ● Lobule adipeux petit amas de cellules que présente fréquemment le tissu graisseux …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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