- lipomatosis
- SYN: adiposis.- encephalocraniocutaneous l. a rare syndrome of multiple fibrolipomas or angiofibromas of the face, scalp, and neck present at birth, sometimes with symptomatic intracranial lipomas.- multiple symmetric l. accumulation and progressive enlargement of collections of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous tissue of the head, neck, upper trunk, and upper portions of the upper extremities; seen primarily in adult males and of unknown cause. SYN: Launois-Bensaude syndrome, Madelung disease, symmetric adenolipomatosis.- l. neurotica SYN: adiposis dolorosa.
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li·po·ma·to·sis li-.pō-mə-'tō-səs, lī- n, pl -to·ses -.sēz any of several abnormal conditions marked by local or generalized deposits of fat or replacement of other tissue by fat specif the presence of multiple lipomas* * *
n.1. the presence of an abnormally large amount of fat occurring in the tissues.* * *
lip·o·ma·to·sis (lip″o-mə-toґsis) abnormal localized or tumorlike accumulations of fat in the tissues. Called also liposis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.