
1. A term applied to several tongue-shaped processes. 2. When not qualified, the l. of cerebellum. [L. dim. of lingua, tongue]
- l. cerebelli [TA] SYN: l. of cerebellum.
- l. of cerebellum [TA] a tongue-shaped sequence of flattened cerebellar folia forming the anterior (or superior) extreme of the cerebellar vermis, extending forward on the surface of the superior medullary velum between the two emerging superior cerebellar peduncles. SYN: l. cerebelli [TA], alae lingulae cerebelli, lingua cerebelli, tongue of cerebellum.
- l. of left lung [TA] an inferomedial projection from the anterior aspect of the upper lobe of the left lung which bounds the cardiac notch inferiorly. SYN: l. pulmonis sinistri [TA].
- l. of mandible [TA] a pointed tongue of bone overlapping the mandibular foramen, giving attachment to the sphenomandibular ligament. SYN: l. mandibulae [TA], mandibular tongue, Spix spine.
- l. mandibulae [TA] SYN: l. of mandible.
- l. pulmonis sinistri [TA] SYN: l. of left lung.
- sphenoidal l. [TA] a slender process projecting posteriorly between the body and greater wing of the sphenoid bone, on either side, forming the lateral margin of the carotid groove. In the dry skull, it projects into the foramen lacerum. SYN: l. sphenoidalis [TA].
- l. sphenoidalis [TA] SYN: sphenoidal l..

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lin·gu·la 'liŋ-gyə-lə n, pl lin·gu·lae -.lē a tongue-shaped process or part: as
a) a ridge of bone in the angle between the body and the greater wing of the sphenoid
b) an elongated prominence of the superior vermis of the cerebellum
c) a dependent projection of the upper lobe of the left lung
lin·gu·lar -lər adj

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1. the thin forward-projecting portion of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum, in the midline.
2. a small section of the upper lobe of the left lung, extending downwards in front of the heart.
3. a bony spur on the inside of the mandible, above the angle of the jaw.
4. a small backward-pointing projection on each side of the sphenoid bone.

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lin·gu·la (lingґgu-lə) gen. and pl. linґgulae [L., dim. of lingua] a small tonguelike structure. lingular adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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