
1. SYN: tongue (1). 2. SYN: tongue (2). [L. tongue]
- l. cerebelli SYN: lingula of cerebellum.
- l. fissurata SYN: fissured tongue.
- l. frenata a tongue with a very short frenum constituting tongue-tie.
- l. geographica
- l. nigra SYN: black tongue.
- l. plicata SYN: fissured tongue.

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lin·gua 'liŋ-gwə n, pl lin·guae -.gwē, -.gwī a tongue or an organ resembling a tongue in structure or function

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lin·gua (lingґgwə) gen. and pl. linґguae [L.] [TA] the tongue: the movable, muscular organ on the floor of the mouth, subserving the special sense of taste and aiding in mastication, deglutition, and the articulation of sound; called also glossa. See tongue.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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