
The edge, border, or fringe of a part. [L. a border]
- l. acetabuli [TA] SYN: acetabular margin.
- l. alveolaris 1. SYN: alveolar arch of mandible. 2. SYN: alveolar arch of maxilla.
- l. anterior palpebrae [TA] SYN: anterior palpebral margin.
- l. of cornea SYN: corneal l..
- l. corneae SYN: corneal l..
- corneal l. [TA] the margin of the cornea overlapped by the sclera. SYN: corneal margin, corneoscleral junction, l. corneae, l. of cornea, sclerocorneal junction.
- l. fossae ovalis [TA] a muscular ring surrounding the fossa ovalis in the wall of the right atrium of the heart. SYN: anulus ovalis, margin of fossa ovalis, Vieussens anulus, Vieussens isthmus, Vieussens l., Vieussens ring.
- l. laminae spiralis osseae [TA] SYN: l. of osseous spiral lamina.
- l. membranae tympani SYN: l. of tympanic membrane.
- l. of osseous spiral lamina [TA] the border of the spiral lamina; the thickened periosteum covering the upper plate of the bony spiral lamina of the cochlea. SYN: l. laminae spiralis osseae [TA].
- limbi palpebrales [TA] SYN: palpebral margins, under margin.
- l. penicillatus SYN: brush border.
- l. posterior palpebrae [TA]
- l. sphenoidalis [TA] SYN: l. of sphenoid (bone).
- l. of sphenoid (bone) [TA] variably prominent ridge on the body of the sphenoid (bone) forming the posterior border of the jugum sphenoidale and the anterior border of the prechiasmatic sulcus. SYN: l. sphenoidalis [TA].
- l. striatus SYN: striated border.
- l. of tympanic membrane margin of the tympanic membrane attaching to the tympanic sulcus. SYN: l. membranae tympani.
- Vieussens l. SYN: l. fossae ovalis.

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lim·bus 'lim-bəs n a border distinguished by color or structure esp the marginal region of the cornea of the eye by which it is continuous with the sclera

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(in anatomy) an edge or border; for example, the limbus sclerae is the junction of the cornea and sclera of the eye.

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lim·bus (limґbəs) gen. and pl. limґbi [L.] a hem, fringe, or border of a structure. See also border, labium, and margo.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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