- Lewandowski
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Lewandowski — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Andrzej Lewandowski (* 1954), polnischer Politiker Czesław Lewandowski (1922–2009), polnischer Weihbischof in Włocławek Detlef Lewandowski (* 1944), deutscher Leichtathlet Eduard Lewandowski (* 1980),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lewandowski — is a common Polish surname. It may refer to:*Edmund Lewandowski, Artist *Janusz Lewandowski, Polish economist and politician *Jozef Lewandowski, Polish Swedish historian and writer *Konrad T. Lewandowski, writer *Louis Lewandowski, composer… … Wikipedia
Lewandowski — Patronyme polonais. Désigne sans doute celui qui est originaire d une localité appelée Lewandow (nom d un quartier de Varsovie), toponyme qui doit être un dérivé de Levon (équivalent du français Léon). Autre solution, moins probable : dérivé de… … Noms de famille
LEWANDOWSKI, LOUIS — (1821–1894), choral director and composer. Born in Wreschen, near Posen, Lewandowski became a singer at the age of 12 with Ḥazzan Ascher Lion s choir in Berlin. Later he studied with adolph bernhard marx at Berlin University and with Rungenhagen… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Lewandowski, Louis — ▪ Polish composer born April 3, 1821, Września, Pol. died Feb. 4, 1894, Berlin Jewish cantor, chorus conductor, and composer of synagogue music. By the age of 12 Lewandowski was singing with a Berlin choir; he studied violin and piano … Universalium
Lewandowski — 1. Herkunftsname zu polnischen Ortsnamen wie Lewandуw, Lawendуw, Lewandуwka. 2. Mit dem Suffix ski gebildeter Übername zu poln. lawenda, lewanda »Lavendel« … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen
Mariusz Lewandowski — Lewandowski Nombre Mariusz Lewandowski Nacimiento … Wikipedia Español
ЛЕВАНДÓВСКИЙ (Lewandowski) Лейзер (Луи) — (Lewandowski) Лейзер (Луи) (1823–94), композитор, кантор (хаззан), педагог. С 1840 кантор Старой берлинской синагоги. Автор торжественной службы для хора и органа (1864) к открытию Новой (реформистской) синагоги. С 1866 королев. муз.… … Биографический словарь
Lewandowski, Louis — (1821 94) German choral director and composer. He was born in Wreschen, near Posen. After moving to Berlin he served as conductor of the choir at the Old Synagogue in the Heidereutergasse, and later at the New Synagogue. He also served as a… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Lewandowski, Louis — (3 April 1821, Wreschen, Germany? – 3 February, 1894, Berlin) Composer who introduced idioms of 19thcentury Romanticism into synagogue liturgical music in Berlin, including music for four voiced choir and organ. His most influential… … Historical dictionary of sacred music