- levator
- 1. A surgical instrument for prying up the depressed part in a fracture of the skull. 2. One of several muscles whose action is to raise the part to which it inserts. [L. a lifter, fr. levo, pp. -atus, to lift, fr. levis, light]
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le·va·tor li-'vāt-ər n, pl lev·a·to·res .lev-ə-'tōr-(.)ēz or le·va·tors li-'vāt-ərz a muscle that serves to raise a body part compare DEPRESSOR (a)* * *
n.1. a surgical instrument used for levering up displaced bone fragments in a depressed fracture of the skull.2. any muscle that lifts the structure into which it is inserted; for example, the levator scapulis helps to lift the shoulder blade.* * *
le·va·tor (lə-vaґtor) pl. levatoґres [L. levare to raise] 1. a muscle for elevating the organ or structure into which it is inserted; see entries beginning musculus levator, under musculus. 2. a surgical instrument used to raise depressed osseous fragments in fractures of the skull and other bones.Levator muscles acting on the mouth and alae of the nose and adjacent facial muscles.
Medical dictionary. 2011.