Leukapheresis — is a laboratory procedure in which white blood cells are separated from a sample of blood. This may be done to decrease a very high white blood cell count in individuals with cancer (leukemia) or to remove white blood cells for transfusion. In… … Wikipedia
leukapheresis — [lo͞o΄kə fe rē′sis] n. a medical procedure that separates certain leukocytes from the blood, used to collect leukocytes for donation or to remove excessive leukocytes from a patient s blood * * * … Universalium
leukapheresis — [lo͞o΄kə fe rē′sis] n. a medical procedure that separates certain leukocytes from the blood, used to collect leukocytes for donation or to remove excessive leukocytes from a patient s blood … English World dictionary
leukapheresis — noun A laboratory procedure where white blood cells are separated from a sample of blood … Wiktionary
leukapheresis — Removal of the blood to collect specific blood cells; the remaining blood is returned to the body … English dictionary of cancer terms
Leucaphérèse — La leucaphérèse est une technique, basée sur le principe de l aphérèse, qui permet de prélever des leucocytes (globules blancs) dans le sang d une personne. Cette technique est généralement employée pour diminuer un taux très élevé de globules… … Wikipédia en Français
Filgrastim — Not to be confused with granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor. Filgrastim Systematic (IUPAC) name Human granulocyte colony stimulating factor Clinical dat … Wikipedia
Apheresis — The process of removing a specific component from blood and returning the remaining components to the donor, in order to collect more of one particular part of the blood than could be separated from a unit of whole blood. Also called hemapheresis … Medical dictionary
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) — The most common form of leukemia in adults, CLL is a malignant disease in which there are too many infection fighting white blood cells called lymphocytes. In CLL, the developing lymphocytes do not mature correctly and too many are made. The… … Medical dictionary
Pheresis — Procedure in which the blood is filtered, separated, and a portion retained, with the remainder being returned to the individual. There are various types of pheresis. In leukapheresis, the leukocytes (white blood cells) are removed. In… … Medical dictionary