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leuenkephalin — noun An endogenous opioid peptide neurotransmitter found naturally in the brains of many animals, including humans; one of the two forms of enkephalin (the other being metenkephalin) … Wiktionary
proenkephalin — noun A gene that is a precursor for leuenkephalin and metenkephalin … Wiktionary
metenkephalin — noun An endogenous opioid peptide neurotransmitter found naturally in many parts of the animal and human body; one of the two forms of enkephalin (the other being leuenkephalin) Syn: OGF, opioid growth factor … Wiktionary
enkephalins — Pentapeptide endorphins, found in many parts of the brain, that bind to specific receptor sites, some of which may be pain related opiate receptors; hypothesized as endogenous neurotransmitters and nonaddicting analgesics. Metenkephalin is… … Medical dictionary