
Inflammation of the fascia (a lining tissue under the skin that covers a surface of underlying tissues).
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1. Inflammation in fascia. 2. Reactive proliferation of fibroblasts in fascia. SYN: fascitis.
- eosinophilic f. induration and edema of the connective tissues of the extremities, usually appearing following exertion; associated with elevated sedimentation rate, elevated IgG, and eosinophilia. SYN: Shulman syndrome.
- group A streptococcal necrotizing f. a severe and often fulminant toxic complication of infection with group A β-hemolytic streptococci in which superficial fascia and underlying muscle tissue are rapidly destroyed.During the past decade there has been a rise in the incidence of acute systemic disease due to toxin-producing strains of Streptococcus pyogenes. Like staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome (TSS), toxin-mediated streptococcal syndromes are marked by rapid progression, shock, and multisystem toxicity that is out of proportion to local evidence of infection. The incidence of necrotizing f. due to streptococci increased markedly in 1994 in both the United States and Europe. This disease is believed to be the same as themalignant scarlet feverof a century ago. In necrotizing f., streptococci in a skin wound, usually on an extremity, invade and destroy underlying muscles and other soft tissues. The skin of the affected extremity shows erythema, bulla formation, and often anesthesia due to destruction of sensory nerves. Rapid spread of infection along fascial planes and widespread liquefactive necrosis are accompanied by high fever, intense local pain, shock, and other evidence of systemic toxicity. The goals of therapy in streptococcal necrotizing f. are to inhibit and destroy pathogens, reverse shock and systemic toxicity, and conserve structure and function. Treatment includes intravenous hydration and aggressive supportive measures as well as administration of penicillin, clindamycin, or other antibiotics as appropriate. (Antibiotic resistance has not been a problem with streptococcal TSS.) In necrotizing f., debridement or amputation may be life-saving. Throat cultures of contacts are recommended, to identify possible sources of further infection with virulent toxigenic streptococci.
- necrotizing f. a rare soft-tissue infection primarily involving the superficial fascia and resulting in extensive undermining of surrounding tissues; progress is often fulminant and may involve all soft-tissue components, including the skin; usually occurs postoperatively, after minor trauma, or after inadequate care of abscesses or cutaneous ulcers. SEE ALSO: group A streptococcal necrotizing f..
- nodular f. a rapidly growing tumorlike proliferation of fibroblasts, not thought to be neoplastic, with mild inflammatory exudation occurring in fascia; the fibrosis may infiltrate surrounding tissue but does not progress indefinitely or metastasize. SYN: pseudosarcomatous f..
- parosteal f. a rare form of nodular f. arising from the periosteum, and which may be associated with reactive cortical bone formation.
- plantar f. inflammation of the plantar fascia causing foot or heel pain.
- proliferative f. a benign rapidly-growing subcutaneous nodule characterized by proliferation of fibroblasts and basophilic giant cells slightly resembling ganglion cells.
- pseudosarcomatous f. SYN: nodular f..

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fas·ci·i·tis .fash-ē-'īt-əs, fas- or fas·ci·tis fa-'shīt-əs, -'sīt- n inflammation of a fascia

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inflammation of fascia. It may result from bacterial infection or from a rheumatic disease, such as Reiter's syndrome or ankylosing spondylitis. See also necrotizing fasciitis, plantar fasciitis.

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fas·ci·itis (fase-iґtis) pl. fasciiґtides. inflammation of fascia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • fasciitis — 1893, from FASCIA (Cf. fascia) + ITIS (Cf. itis) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Fasciitis — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD10|M|72|9|m|70 ICD9 = ICD9|729.4 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D005208 In medicine, fasciitis IPA|/ˌfæ.ʃiˈɑɪ̯.tɪs/ refers to an inflammation …   Wikipedia

  • fasciitis — n. inflammation of fascia. It may result from bacterial infection or from a rheumatic disease, such as Reiter s syndrome or ankylosing spondylitis. See also: necrotizing fasciitis, plantar fasciitis …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • fasciitis — also fascitis noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1893 inflammation of a fascia (as from infection or injury) compare necrotizing fasciitis …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • Fasciitis, eosinophilic (Shulman syndrome) — A disease which leads to inflammation and thickening of the skin and fascia. (The fascia is a lining tissue under the skin that covers a surface of underlying tissues. When the fascia is inflamed, the condition is referred to as… …   Medical dictionary

  • Fasciitis — Die Rektusscheide und die Fascia thoracolumbalis stellen eine kräftige fasziale Unterstützung her zwischen dem unteren Rippenbereich und dem oberen Teil des Beckens …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fasciitis — /fash ee uy tis, fas /, n. Pathol. inflammation of the fascia. [1890 95; FASCI(A) + ITIS] * * * …   Universalium

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