
A target or Mexican hat cell, i.e., an unusually thin or flattened red blood cell in which there is a central rounded area of pigmented material, a middle clear zone that contains no pigment, and an outer pigmented rim at the edge of the cell. Leptocytes are thought to be erythrocytes in which the cellular envelope or membrane is unusually large in proportion to its contents. [lepto- + G. kytos, cell]

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a red blood cell (erythrocyte) that is wafer-thin, generally large in diameter, and displays a thin rim of haemoglobin at the periphery with a large area of central pallor. Leptocytes are seen in certain types of anaemia.

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lep·to·cyte (lepґto-sīt) [lepto- + -cyte] target cell (def. 1).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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