- laryngotracheobronchitis
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la·ryn·go·tra·cheo·bron·chi·tis -.trā-kē-ō-brän-'kīt-əs, -bräŋ- n, pl -chit·i·des -'kit-ə-.dēz inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi specif an acute severe infection of these parts marked by swelling of the tissues and excessive secretion of mucus leading to more or less complete obstruction of the respiratory passages* * *
n.a severe and almost exclusively viral infection of the respiratory tract, especially of young children, in whom there may be a dangerous degree of obstruction either at the larynx (see croup) or main air passages (bronchi) due to the thickness and stickiness of the fluid (exudate) produced by the inflamed tissues. Symptoms normally start at night. Treatment is supportive until the condition resolves naturally. In mild and moderate cases the child may benefit from being kept in a humid atmosphere (e.g. a steamy room). Nebulized medications and oxygen can help in more severe cases. In extreme cases endotracheal intubation may be necessary. The condition may recur.* * *
la·ryn·go·tra·cheo·bron·chi·tis (lə-ring″go-tra″ke-o-brong-kiґtis) inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi; an acute form is the most common cause of croup.
Medical dictionary. 2011.