- laetrile
- An allegedly antineoplastic drug consisting chiefly of amygdalin derived from apricot pits; its antitumor effect is unproven.
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la·e·trile 'lā-ə-(.)tril, -trəl n, often cap a drug that is derived esp. from pits of the apricot (Prunus armeniaca of the rose family), that contains amygdalin, and that has been used in the treatment of cancer although of unproved effectivenessEach boldface word in the list below is a British variant of the word to its right in small capitals.laevo - LEVOlaevocardia - LEVOCARDIAlaevocardiogram - LEVOCARDIOGRAMlaevo-dihydroxyphenylalanine - LEVO-DIHYDROXYPHENYLALANINElaevodopa - LEVODOPAlaevorotation - LEVOROTATIONlaevorotatory - LEVOROTATORYlaevothyroxine - LEVOTHYROXINElaevulinate - LEVULINATElaevulinic acid - LEVULINIC ACIDlaevulosaemia - LEVULOSEMIAlaevulosan - LEVULOSANlaevulose - LEVULOSElaevulosuria - LEVULOSURIA* * *
n.a cyanide-containing compound extracted from peach stones. It has been used in complementary medicine in the treatment of various forms of cancer.* * *
La·e·trile (laґə-tril) trademark for l-mandelonitrile-β-glucuronic acid, a semisynthetic derivative of amygdalin; it is alleged to have antineoplastic properties. Cf. laetrile.
Medical dictionary. 2011.