
In physiology, the science concerned with movements of the parts of the body. SYN: cinematics. [G. kinematica, things that move]

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ki·ne·mat·ics .kin-ə-'mat-iks, .-- also ci·ne·mat·ics .sin-ə- n pl but sing in constr
1) a branch of physics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force
2) the properties and phenomena of an object or system in motion of interest to kinematics <the \kinematics of the human ankle joint>
ki·ne·mat·ic -ik or ki·ne·mat·i·cal -i-kəl adj
ki·ne·mat·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-) adv

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the study of motion and the forces required to produce it. This includes the different forces at work during the movement of a single part of the body, and more complex movements such as running and climbing.

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kin·e·mat·ics (kinə-matґiks) [Gr. kinēma motion] the phase of mechanics that deals with the possible motions of a material body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • kinematics — noun plural but singular in construction Etymology: French cinématique, from Greek kinēmat , kinēma motion, from kinein to move Date: 1840 a branch of dynamics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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