- K
- 1. Symbol for potassium; kalium; phylloquinone; kelvin; lysine; lysyl. 2. In optics, the coefficient of scleral rigidity. 3. In contact lens fitting, the radius of curvature of the flattest meridian of the apical cornea.* * *absolute zero; a burst of diphasic slow waves in response to stimuli during sleep [in electroencephalography]; capsular antigen [Ger. Kapsel, capsule]; carrying capacity; cathode; coefficient; constant; constant improvement factor [in imaging]; electron capture; electrostatic capacity; equilibrium constant; ionization constant; kallikrein inhibiting unit; kanamycin; Kell factor; kelvin; kerma; kidney; Kilham [virus]; killer [cell]; kilo-; kilodalton; kinetic energy; Klebsiella; knee; lysine; modulus of compression; the number 1024 in computer core memory; potassium [Lat. kalium]; vitamin K
* * *
3) kelvin* * *
kelvin; lysine; potassium (L. kaґlium).
Medical dictionary. 2011.