- itch
- 1. An irritating sensation in the skin that arouses the desire to scratch. SYN: pruritus (2). 2. Common name for scabies. [A.S. gikkan]- baker i. an eruption on the hands and arms of bakers due to an allergic reaction to flour or other substances handled, or to the grain i. mite.- copra i. a dermatitis occurring in workers in copra mills, caused by the presence of a mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae.- grain i. a wheal-like cutaneous eruption occasionally noted in farmers and grain handlers, caused by the action of the mite Pyemotes ventricosus.- grocer i. a vesicular dermatitis seen in grocers and bakers who handle sugar or flour; caused by a mite of the genus Glycophagus.- Norway i. SYN: Norwegian scabies.- straw i., straw-bed i. an urticarial eruption caused by the mite, Pyemotes ventricosus, which can infest straw used in mattresses. SYN: dermatitis pediculoides ventricosus.- summer i. SYN: pruritus aestivalis.- swimmer's i. SYN: schistosomal dermatitis.- winter i. a recurrent eczema appearing with the advent of cold weather. SYN: dermatitis hiemalis, frost i., pruritus hiemalis.
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1) an uneasy irritating sensation in the upper surface of the skin usu. held to result from mild stimulation of pain receptors2) a skin disorder accompanied by an itch esp a contagious eruption caused by an itch mite of the genus Sarcoptes (S. scabiei) that burrows in the skin and causes intense itchingitch vb* * *
n.discomfort or irritation of the skin, prompting the sufferer to scratch or rub the affected area. It is the main symptom of skin disease. See pruritus.* * *
(ich) 1. any of various skin disorders in which pruritus is a characteristic. 2. pruritus. 3. popular term for scabies.
Medical dictionary. 2011.