- isotretinoin
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iso·tret·i·noin .ī-sō-'tret-ə-.nȯin n a cis isomer of retinoic acid that is a synthetic derivative of vitamin A, that inhibits sebaceous gland function and keratinization, and that is administered in the treatment of severe inflammatory acne but is contraindicated in pregnancy because of its implication as a cause of birth defects see ACCUTANE* * *
n.a drug related to vitamin A (see retinoid) and used in the treatment of severe acne that has failed to respond to other treatment. It is administered by mouth or topically. Possible side-effects include dry skin, nose bleeds, eyelid and lip inflammation, muscle, joint, and abdominal pains, diarrhoea, and some disturbances of vision. Trade names: Isotrex, Roaccutane.* * *
iso·tret·i·noin (i″so-tretґĭ-no-in) (-noin) 13-cis-retinoic acid, used systemically for treatment of severe cystic and conglobulate acne; it inhibits the secretion of sebum and alters the lipid composition of the skin surface.
Medical dictionary. 2011.