- isohemolysis
- A form of isolysis in which there is dissolution of red blood cells as a result of the reaction between an isolysin (isohemolysin) and specific antigen in or on the cells. [iso- + G. haima, blood, + lysis, dissolution]
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iso·he·mol·y·sis or chiefly Brit iso·hae·mol·y·sis .ī-sō-hi-'mäl-ə-səs n, pl -y·ses -.sēz lysis of the red blood cells of one individual by antibodies in the serum of another of the same species* * *
iso·he·mol·y·sis (i″so-he-molґə-sis) hemolysis of the blood corpuscles of an animal by the lysins in serum from another animal of the same species. isohemolytic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.