
The incarceration of a portion of the iris by corneoscleral incision in glaucoma to effect filtration between the anterior chamber and subconjunctival space. [irido- + G. enkleio, to shut in]

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iri·den·clei·sis .ir-ə-den-'klī-səs, .īr- n, pl -clei·ses -.sēz a surgical procedure esp. for relief of glaucoma in which a small portion of the iris is implanted in a corneal incision to facilitate drainage of aqueous humor

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an operation for glaucoma in which a small incision is made into the eye, beneath the conjunctiva and close to the cornea, and part of the iris is drawn into it. The iris acts like a wick and keeps the incision open for the drainage of fluid from the front chamber of the eye to the tissue beneath the conjunctiva.

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iri·den·clei·sis (ir″ĭ-dən-kliґsis) [irid- + Gr. enklein to lock in] surgical creation of a permanent drain by incarceration of a slip of the iris within a corneal or limbal incision to act as a wick through aqueous humor is filtered from the anterior chamber to the subconjunctival tissues; done to reduce intraocular pressure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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