- iridectomy
- 1. Excision of a portion of the iris. 2. The hole in the iris produced by a surgical i.. [irido- + G. ektome, excision]- buttonhole i. SYN: peripheral i..- peripheral i. in narrow-angle glaucoma, the surgical removal of a minute portion of the iris at its root; in intracapsular extraction of cataract, removal of one or more minute sections near the peripheral border, leaving the pupillary margin intact. SYN: buttonhole i., stenopeic i..- stenopeic i. SYN: peripheral i..- therapeutic i. an i. performed for the prevention or cure of disease, e.g., angle-closure glaucoma.
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iri·dec·to·my .ir-ə-'dek-tə-mē, .īr- n, pl -mies the surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye* * *
n.an operation on the eye in which a part of the iris is removed.* * *
iri·dec·to·my (ir″ĭ-dekґtə-me) [irid- + -ectomy] surgical excision of a full-thickness piece of the iris; called also corectomy.
Medical dictionary. 2011.