- Ethnography
- The study of specific human cultures. The branch of anthropology that deals with the scientific description of human cultures. Ethnography sprang from social anthropology and first focused on small communities that shared culturally specific beliefs and practices. Ethnography is applicable to health care. For example, ethnography can examine how health care is influenced by the culture of the patient and how ethnocentric beliefs on the part of health professionals may impede care. From the French ethnographie, from ethno- (from the Greek ethnos, race, people) + -graphie (from the Greek graphein, to write) = literally, to write (about) a people.
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eth·nog·ra·phy eth-'näg-rə-fē n,
pl -phies the study and systematic recording of human cultures also a descriptive work produced from such research
eth·no·graph·ic .eth-nə-'graf-ik or eth·no·graph·i·cal -i-kəl adj
eth·no·graph·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
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eth·nog·ra·phy (eth-nogґrə-fe) [Gr. ethnos race + -graphy] a description of the ethnic groups of humanity. Cf. anthropography.
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Ethnography — ethnography … Dictionary of sociology
Ethnography — Eth*nog ra*phy, n. [Gr. ? nation + graphy: cf. F. ethnographie.] That branch of knowledge which has for its subject the characteristics of the human family, developing the details with which ethnology as a comparative science deals; descriptive… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ethnography — 1834, perhaps from Ger. Ethnographie; see ETHNO (Cf. ethno ) + GRAPHY (Cf. graphy) the study of. Related: Ethnographer; ethnographic … Etymology dictionary
ethnography — ► NOUN ▪ the scientific description of peoples and cultures. DERIVATIVES ethnographer noun ethnographic adjective … English terms dictionary
ethnography — [eth näg′rə fē] n. [Fr ethnographie: see ETHNO & GRAPHY] the branch of anthropology that deals descriptively with specific cultures, esp. those of nonliterate peoples or groups ethnographer n. ethnographic [eth΄nə graf′ik] adj. ethnographical… … English World dictionary
Ethnography — Anthropology Fields Archaeology Biological anthropology Cultural anthropology Linguistic anthropology Social anthropology … Wikipedia
ethnography — ethnographer, n. ethnographic /eth neuh graf ik/, ethnographical, adj. ethnographically, adv. /eth nog reuh fee/, n. a branch of anthropology dealing with the scientific description of individual cultures. [1825 35; ETHNO + GRAPHY] * * *… … Universalium
ethnography — The direct study of society through observation and interview is usually called ethnography, or sometimes ethnology (minzuxue). In China this has been limited largely to study of ethnic minorities; study of the Han has been considered part of… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
ethnography — [[t]eθnɒ̱grəfi[/t]] N UNCOUNT Ethnography is the branch of anthropology in which different cultures are studied and described … English dictionary
ethnography — kraštotyra statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Išsamus ar teminis šalies, regiono ar gyvenvietės gamtos ir socialinių reiškinių tyrimas: renkami duomenys apie gamtą, gyventojus, ūkį, buitį, istoriją, kalbą. atitikmenys: angl.… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas