
1. The turning of a structure into itself. SEE ALSO: intussusception, invagination. 2. A trait of preoccupation with oneself, as practiced by an introvert. Cf.:extraversion. [intro- + L. verto, pp. versus, to turn]

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in·tro·ver·sion .in-trə-'vər-zhən, -shən n
1) the act of directing one's attention toward or getting gratification from one's own interests, thoughts, and feelings
2) the state or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life compare EXTROVERSION
in·tro·ver·sive -'vər-siv, -ziv adj
in·tro·ver·sive·ly adv

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1. (intraversion) an enduring personality trait characterized by interest in the self rather than the outside world. People high in introversion (introverts), as measured by questionnaires and psychological tests, tend to have a small circle of friends, like to persist in activities once they have started, and are highly susceptible to permanent conditioning. Introversion was first described by Carl Jung as a tendency to distancing oneself from others, to philosophical interests, and to reserved defensive reactions. Compare extroversion.
2. a turning inwards of a hollow organ (such as the uterus) on itself.

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in·tro·ver·sion (in″tro-vurґzhən) [intro- + version] 1. the turning outside in, more or less completely, of an organ, or the resulting condition. 2. the turning inward to the self of one's interest, with lack of interest in the external world. 3. intraversion.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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